Monday, November 5, 2012

What a Year

Well,  I was so ready to blog away at the start of 2012.  I just read my last post from January 16th, and wish that I could go back to that enthusiasm.  Unfortunately, it's become a heavy task to create my menus each week, go shopping, and cook great meals.  I lost my steam.  You see, the day after my last posting, I lost my hero, my dad.  His health has been pretty poor for years, but we had no idea that we would lose him so soon.  My relationship with my dad is more unique than most father-daughter relationships.  Not only was he my dad and my hero, he was also my best friend.  I could talk to him about anything from our own family issues, to my career, to my marriage, to raising children, and everything in between.  Adding another dimension to our relationship was that we worked together.  We were both teachers at the same high school.  In fact, since he only taught one period a day (he went part-time after his bypass in 2003), he and I were able to share a classroom.  I literally saw him almost every day.

To say that I miss my dad would be a gross understatement.  There are no words to describe the pain.  Any of you who have lost a parent can sympathize, I know.  I'm okay, I'm functioning, I'm even enjoying my life still, but I'll never be the same.  I almost feel as though I have to create a new identity.  If I'm not Mike's daughter, then who am I?

I am slowly getting back into my old habits.  I'm trying to menu plan again.  It doesn't get done every week, but at least I'm trying.  I'd like to get back to this blog, too.  Perhaps this blog will help inspire me to really focus again.  We'll see, I guess.  Wish me luck!