Saturday, December 8, 2012


Tacos are on the menu for tonight.  Eating tacos now is a bittersweet experience.  It's sweet, of course, because they are yummy!  The bitter comes from the fact that tacos were my dad's absolute favorite meal.  I actually made them for my dad as his birthday dinner a few days before we lost him.  These days, when I make tacos, I can still see my dad pacing right by the kitchen entrance, beer in hand, impatiently looking over at me to see how close I am to being finished.  I can still feel his heavy hand on my shoulder as he walks behind me to either throw something away or to grab another beer (can't have tacos without beer!) from the fridge.  That's actually one of the things that I miss the most.  I would be standing by my counter as I prepped veggies and guacamole for the tacos and my dad would walk past me, briefly put his hand of my shoulder without saying a word, then continue on to whatever task had brought him into the kitchen.  Like his parents (and me), he didn't easily express his love with words.  Actions showed me his love.  That simple touch on the shoulder spoke volumes to me.  I miss it.

Tonight, I'll take pictures of my taco making so that I can post them here.  Don't expect authenticity.  After all, I'm half Euro-American mix and half Japanese.  =)  Do expect yumminess though!